Women in Defense: An Indian Perspective
We all talk of giving women equal rights, and efforts have been made to allow women to compete with men. In many areas’ women given the opportunity have made good progress and have broken through the ‘glass ceiling’. But in many places, they still face the problem and defense is one such area. While in many Western countries women have reached top positions in defense forces commanding thousands of troops, squadrons, and battleships, in India it’s still a problem and women who are in defense services have to face a lot of hardships to reach a top position or even so, get respect as a leading officer or commander of a unit traditionally dominated by men. Cases of sexual harassment and asking for sexual favors from female counterparts by male seniors have not helped their case either. While women in India have served in the medical branch for a long; only now are they being given permanent commission that too only in law and other non-combat areas. Although the most emphatic victory, I...