Indian Army Should Go for RCCEP



Indian Army should go for RCCEP or Remote-Controlled Casualty Evacuation Platform. This remote-controlled platform is an excellent way to rescue an injured soldier from the battlefield. Normally for casualty evacuation in a battlefield, it takes 2 soldiers to carry the injured soldier, at least 1 helper, and many times at least 2 armed soldiers to protect the evacuation effort and to ensure that the injured soldier is safely out of the battle zone.

Using this battery-powered remote-controlled platform, it will be way easier to rescue an injured soldier from a battlefield, where evacuation may be stuck or delayed due to intense gun/artillery fire assault, so much so that an injured soldier may even succumb to injury due to lack of proper medical attention, as it may be difficult to spare soldiers to carry injured soldiers to safety or even provide them security. On the other, if an injured soldier is laid and strapped on the RCCEP or Remote-Controlled Casualty Evacuation Platform, one operator sitting anywhere can easily guide the platform and evacuate the injured soldier to safety without the need for sparing soldiers to carry the injured ones or to even provide security.         

Currently, the RCCEP is being used at many places in Ukraine by Ukrainian forces as they are strafed by intense Russian gun/artillery fire assault, the nearly 7-foot (length) by 2-foot (width) rectangular steel platform is helping Ukrainian forces to rescue their injured soldiers to safety. An injured soldier is laid down on the platform on his back and strapped with 2 length straps and 4 side straps. Then the platform is guided by an operator to safety without the need to put the lives of other soldiers at risk, for carrying the injured soldier, or even provide security. The operator just guides the platform through bushes and uneven terrain; all the while himself sitting in a safe place to visually guide the platform. Once the injured soldier reaches the safe place, he is given whatever treatment is necessary or sent away from the battlefield for further treatment to a field hospital or a base hospital.

The RCCEP or Remote-Controlled Casualty Evacuation Platform is driven by possibly 2 batteries that move two (2) large belt-operated main wheels that move the tracks and are supported by two (2) smaller stainless steel roller wheels. The injured soldier lies on the leather cloth that is wrapped in a rectangular steel frame. Using this RCCEP the Ukrainians are trying to save as many precious lives as possible, thereby utilizing every soldier available on the battlefield. Hopefully, the Indian Army too give this RCCEP a thought and seek out makers of such a platform. It will allow the Indian Army to utilize every available soldier for a much better purpose during intense battles than to carry soldiers.


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