Israel Hamas War 2023 - Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar & Few Points

1. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. All Jews in Israel and the USA and their supporters should listen to this Jewish rabbi 2. The aura of invincibility of Netanyahu, Israel, Shinbet, Mossad is gone forever and for good. Hamas has shown they can be beaten. 3. Israel was never to be, it was the land of Palestinians, if Israel was created due to Holocaust then the Jewish homeland must have been carved out of Germany post WW2 or Jews were to be settled in Canada/Australia where millions of hectares of land freely available & none lives there. 4. Rabbi Dovid Feldman: "THE STATE OF ISRAEL DOES NOT REPRESENT ALL JEWS" 5. Criticism of the Zionist Israeli state's state policies is NOT "Antisemitism", nor is condemning Israel for its blatant human rights violations on the Palestinians. 6. AFAIK heaviest Rockets from Gaza Strip have 25 -50 kg warheads, can that dem...