Israel Hamas War 2023 - Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar & Few Points

1. Zionism is not the same as Judaism. All Jews in Israel and the USA and their supporters should listen to this Jewish rabbi

2. The aura of invincibility of Netanyahu, Israel, Shinbet, Mossad is gone forever and for good. Hamas has shown they can be beaten.

3. Israel was never to be, it was the land of Palestinians, if Israel was created due to Holocaust then the Jewish homeland must have been carved out of Germany post WW2 or Jews were to be settled in Canada/Australia where millions of hectares of land freely available & none lives there.


5. Criticism of the Zionist Israeli state's state policies is NOT "Antisemitism", nor is condemning Israel for its blatant human rights violations on the Palestinians.

6. AFAIK heaviest Rockets from Gaza Strip have 25 -50 kg warheads, can that demolish a 5-storey building IMHO this Gaza Hospital bombing was a JDAM strike of recently supplied bombs by the USA, and this proves me right

7. Why Mahatma Gandhi opposed the creation of a Jewish nation-state in Palestine

8. Hear BJP Stalwart and former PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee, when he was foreign minister in the Janata Party government. He Said- Israel Captured Palestine & Israel Must Vacate

9. India too is responsible for the mess. India’s IMEC will be going straight through Hebron, a Palestine authority town completely captured by Israel so much so that no one talks about it though it was part of the Oslo accord

10. The biggest winner from all these is Iran whether Ukraine or Palestine

I squarely blame India for this latest war in Gaza, unlike others who say it was Saudi Israel Thaw. Why do I say that? Read on:-

1. India in its eagerness to reach Europe quickly agreed to IMEC by the USA that will benefit Adani’s Haifa port and formally allow Israel to dissolve the state of Palestine as IMEC will go straight through Hebron to Haifa will cut through the southern west bank finally removing last sliver of Palestinian control over the southern west bank as the northern part is already gone.

2. It is this confidence that Israel finally managed to 'pocketed'
 India that Netanyahu actually had the audacity to show a map without Palestine saying it needs the area of Palestine for security

3. Do remember if Palestine is dissolved India will formally lose its rights to reclaim POJK, COJK GB, and Aksai Chin. Remember as per the 1994 parliament resolution any Indian government is duty bound to recover the captured areas.

a. Already China has told to India forget about Aksai Chin as it is important for its security and connectivity between Tibet and Xinjiang

b. If Palestine is dissolved Pakistan will formally annex POJK GB the only thing that stops it, is India's unwavering support for Palestine

c. Pakistan knows if it annexes POJK GB, IT WILL FACE SEVERE BACKLASH from the Muslim world and Arab nations as they know India is the biggest supporter of Palestine outside the Muslim world

d. It is precisely for this reason that India made sure Israel couldn't annex Palestine in the 1970s THANKS to leaders like Vajpayee

e, but this Modi government is only concerned about money doesn't matter how it comes just like the Chinese, which is why it said 'na koi ghusa tha na koi ghusa hai' about China's 2020 incursion

f. this Modi govt in its eagerness to make money almost committed harakiri by quickly showing support for Israel and negating all the good work done by India with regards to Palestine in the last 75 years but when it realized it would lose the support of the Arab world in an effort to get back POJK GB it was forced to issue a statement in favor of Palestine

g. Even Biden says IMEC may be responsible for the Hamas attack 👇

note that

1. Israel is an army of conscripts they don't have the motivation of a volunteer army like India

2. like any conscript army if you defend against them they will try to overpower you with firepower

3. If you attack and fight they are more likely to lose and will do all to avoid it

which is why IDF is scared to get into the Gaza Strip as it knows the Hamas tunnel network is good enough to make their incursion unlike in 2014 extremely cost-prohibitive. That is why Israel is trying to bomb out Gaza Strip.

btw you will be surprised to know that Netanyahu has more support in India than in Israel

Recently QATAR sentenced 8 ex. Indian Navy officers to death for espionage for Israel.

 This is Qatar's way of saying to India

1. forget about IMEC

2. don't touch Hamas 

3. unequivocally support Palestine

The tiny nation of Qatar punching above its weight is actually doing all this on behalf of Saudi Arabia, as far as I am concerned.

We need to ask:-

a. Israel, why does it arrest Palestinian children as young as 12 and even 70 years and leave them to rot in jail

b. thanks to the West & its puppet media world forgot that Palestine has always meant Jews, Muslims & Christians till 1948, but unfortunately, after the creation of Israel the narrative has been set that Palestinian means only Muslims who must be removed for the safety of Israeli jew

c. we have forgotten 000s of Palestinians were massacred in 1948 by Israeli Jews. AFAIK all men above 15 were butchered & then the remaining men, all women on the western side of Palestine were herded into Gaza, meaning Gaza has been jailed since 1948, Saudi Prince and former intelligence chief Turki Al Faisal, and former UN Weapons inspector Scott Ritter both said about it

d. why Israel is crying about Hamas when it was Israel that propped up Hamas against Yasser Arafat and PLO, what's happening is nothing but chicken is coming back to roost.

d. why did Yasser Arafat WITHDREW from Oslo accord, when he realized that demilitarized Palestine would mean Israel could kill Palestinians any time at will

e. the people in the West who are supporting Israel are they okay with Jews spitting in Christians 👇

f. can Israel rescue its hostages safely

g. can it militarily defeat Hamas, as unless it goes back to 1967 borders this problem will continue, and even if it does someone else will take Hamas's place

h. even if Hamas is defeated, someone else will take its place unless Israel goes back to the 1967 borders

i. what after Hamas because PLO / FATAH / PA in the West Bank is virtually dissolved thanks to the inept leadership of Mahmood Abbas, and Palestinians need someone to speak for them 

also do read it 👇

Abraham Accords, IMEC, Israel, India, and Dissolution of Palestine

j. What Israel says is that it left Gaza hoping it will become like Singapore one day. Indeed Singapore progressed exponentially because it ensured that there was ample water supply and a proper sewage system in place. But what Israel doesn't tell you is that it dismantled the 5 or 6 water purification plants in Gazastrip and not just that it also dismantled the 3 or 4 sewage treatment plants. 

This means Palestinians in gaza neither have fresh drinking water nor have proper sanitation facilities. This is exactly why United Nations repeatedly says about huge risk of epidemic in 2.3 million people blocked and squeezed in 356 area. but mother nature has been kind towards gazans it hasn't allowed diseases to spread but everytime Israel has entered the strip since 2005 they have suffered from various illnesses.

k. I believe that when William Jefferson Clinton upon realizing that PLO would ultimately snatch a fully independent Palestinian nation from Israel, he pressured Yasser Arafat to agree to a Palestinian nation that was only 20% of the original area in the West Bank. The Oslo Accord was signed as per which Palestine will be divided in 3 zones A, B, and C. Palestenian authority will have full right to the smallest zone C, while partial control of Zone B from which Israel will share revenues, but eventually Palestine will have control of that, but Zone A will always remain under Israel control and Palestine will get a revenue share.

l. When Yasser Arafat realized that Israel will never handover zone B, nor share revenues of zone A, he decided to withdraw from the Oslo Accord, and started 2nd Intefada. Clinton its possible said to Arafat, 'I WAS GIVING YOU A RUMP STATE, BUT NOW YOU WILL GET THAT TOO', and possibly he also authorized Israel to bomb out Arafat residential property in Ramallah.

m. Real problem is Egypt and Jordan with regards to Plaestine. Dont forget before Israel killed more than 30000 in Gaza (till date) it was Jordan that in September 1968 with help of Pakistani mercenaries led by a certain man named Zial Ul Haque massacred 25000 Palestinians. Jordan being a Hashmite cla kingdom possibly cant tolerate the Palestinians but is being forced to take care of them in return for hefty pay memtn by USA and Israel (possibly). Jordan armed forces are mostly made up of weapons donated by Israel and USA, QUITE POSSIBLE THAT DONATIONS WERE MADE WITH CONDITION THAT THE WEAPONS WILL NEVER BE USED AGAINST ISRAEL.

n. Another fact is that Jordan doesn't control the only land link between itself and the West Bank with Israel controlling both sides of borders. It means Palestinians in West Bank too live in  open air jail.

o. Egypt too is a problem, after meekly signing Camp David accord has ensured it fucks the Palestinians, despite being ethnically closely linked; and ensures they are denied their basic rights on orders of Israel and the USA and in return has been handsomely rewarded with money. In return Egypt is paid hefty money by Israel and USA. Abdel Fatteh Al Sisi is a stooge planted by Israel and USA to ensure there is never a democracy in Egypt, as a democratic Egypt will single-handedly liberate Palestine, something Israel and USA will never allow

Abdel Fatteh Al Sisi is shedding crocodile tears but actually cares a damn about Palestine and Palestinians and has ensured Palestinians are always at the mercy of Israel for any kind of aid. He sends all aid first to Israel and then Israel picks and chooses what will be allowed into Gaza Strip and sends it back in Egypt and then it is sent into Gaza.

o. Saudi Arabia and other countries are being enticed to normalizing relations with Israel in return for more money. Don't understand that they are already awash with money from petroleum, what more money they need.

p. Lastly, Yasser Arafat had possibly chosen Hannan Ashrawi to lead PLO/PA but possibly USA and Israel vetoed it and chose the inept Mehmoud Abbas. Who quickly entered into pact with Israel slowly giving Israel full control of MUCH OF WEST BANK (69% approx.) in return for millions that he has invested in property market in western nations creating a billion dollar portfolio. His family possibly now spends most time in west managing those properties. 


  1. Israel Hamas War 2023 - Israel, Palestine, Gaza Strip, India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar & Few Points


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