Common Sense Dictates P75I be 9 Super Scorpene Submarine Built by Mazagaon Docks Limited


1. As Mazagaon Docks is building its last 1 Scorpene, Govt of India has given the nod to the P75I submarine project for 50000 crores. Ideally, it should have morphed into 6 SSNs but that project has been named P75A. MDL or L&T is supposed to build 6 SSKs in collaboration with foreign shipyards. Common Sense Dictates P75I be 9 Super Scorpene Submarine Built by MDL (Mazagaon Docks Ltd), why, ead below.

2. It’s all very well known that the 6th Scorpene submarine is about to come out of the Mazagaon docks by early to mid-2024, but after that, the yard at MDL will remain idle till 2026 at least when going by MoD’s decision-making history, a winner for P75I will be selected, but thanks to common sensical approach MoD has given nod or order for 3 additional Scorpene submarines, that will keep the production line busy till 2032 at least, and allow MDL to amortize the investment on that project and most importantly utilize human resource expertise developed for the project. Otherwise, expertise will be lost if the yard is kept idle.

3. These 9 Scorpene submarines (batch 1 of 6 and batch 2 of 3) of 2000 ton weight class under P75 will be upgraded later in mid-life from 2028-30 onwards with DRDO AIP module that may be ready by 2025 only, with the added capability to fire torpedo tube-launched SLCM version of Brahmos mini-missile.

4. Common sense dictates that P75I should be the enhanced version of P75 meaning these 6 submarines should be Super Scorpene in the 3000-ton weight class (not SMX 3.0) with DRDO AIP module and VLS module capable of launching SLCM version of Brahmos (not the Brahmos mini) fitted from the start.

5. Why the P75I submarines should be Super Scorpene? Simply because that offers considerable commonality in spares and maintenance costs with Scorpene submarines. Most importantly, it allows human resources or expertise trained/developed over the years for developing Scorpene submarines, to enhance their capability. Also, the industrial ecosystem of spare part suppliers who have invested heavily to provide parts for Scorpene submarines will only have to make minor adjustments in their production setup to supply parts for Super Scoepenes.

6. Why not French SMX 3.0 or German Type 212/214 or Spanish S80 Plus, simply because one is a concept and others are quite different to Scorpene submarines, so if SMX 3.0 or Type 214/212 are chosen, MDL will have to unlearn the expertise gained on Scorpene/Kalvari submarine, its investment in setup will be lost (as mistake India did with HDW/Shishumar class submarine) and relearn/redevelop the expertise for SMX 3.0 or Type 214/212.

7. Why L&T should not be considered, simply because L&T has its hands full with S 2/3/4 SSGN, S 5/6/7 SSBN not to mention the 6 SSN under P75A.

8. Most importantly maintaining 3 different classes of submarines will be a maintenance and logistical nightmare for IN. It is for this reason IN is starting to retire its Sindhughosh and Shishumar class submarines (the former starts in 2021 and later will start in 2026 probably).

9. Since IN has revised its submarine program with 18 SSK, 6 SSN, and 6 SSGN/SSBN, P75I should be a project of 9 submarines and not 6. It will lower the overall cost per submarine at the outset. For instance, even if IN decides to order 3 more P75/Scorpene submarines in batch 2 to MDL, the cost of each submarine will be 1.3 times higher at least per submarine of batch 1 thanks to inflation and overall cost escalation. 

10. As such common sense dictates IN should go for 9 Scorpene and 9 Super Scorpene submarines in 2 almost similar classes. It will make up for a total of 18 SSK requirements and MDL will be able to churn out 3 batches 2 Scorpene and 9 Super Scorpene at a much faster rate since its setup and human resource/ part supply is already existing and will need minor adjustment for P75I. As such it is way better to cancel RFI for P75I since it will be a single vendor deal with DCNS/Naval Group and go for a G-to-G deal directly with France for 9 Super Scorpene as that will in all likelihood further bring down the cost. 

 P. S - Just recently MDL made a declaration that it can build 9 submarines at once. It is clear sign MDL wants to build on on its Scorpene submarine experience and build Super Scorpenes rather than any other type of submarines.


  1. Common Sense Dictates P75I be 9 Super Scorpene Submarine Built by Mazagaon Docks Limited


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