CROWN Project -A European Multifunction AESA System

The CROWN Project has successfully reached its objective to design, develop, and test a compact, lightweight multi-function radiofrequency system prototype, by integrating radar, electronic warfare, and communication in one single system, without any end-user restrictions. Additionally, the CROWN project created a technological demonstrator or TD to showcase the feasibility of the system and its potential to introduce a new enabling capability.

The CROWN project also determined necessary investments and outlined research activities for further developing a Technology Readiness Level 7 (TRL7) prototype demonstration in an operational environment. The project included, in particular, two connected activities focusing on the R&D assessment of critical technologies for the development of future European multi-function radio frequency systems and R&T activities on the system and component level. Follow-on activities aiming at producing an EU prototype by the end of 2027 are recommended, as well as exploiting the EDF framework.

What is the CROWN Project

An Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) is a sophisticated antenna system called a phased array. It uses computer control to adjust the direction of its radio wave beam without physically repositioning the antenna and is used in aerial platforms. Launched in July 2021, funded by the European Commission under the Preparatory Action for Defence Research (PADR), and Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance Call. 

It was born out of the need to design and develop high-performance and very compact Multifunction RF systems. Multifunction systems, integrating several functions in only one single system, enable small platforms operating in the complex battlefield of high capabilities, able to adapt and react in real-time to the changing scenarios and working in collaborative way with other systems. Technological challenges are found in the development of broadband antennas, digital beam forming (DBF), smart resource management and compact transmit and receive modules. Other aspects at system level as architecture definition or modelling are also tackled within the project.

The Combined Radar, Electronic Warfare and Communications functions for military applications (CROWN) project for a European active electronically scanned array focuses on the innovative concept of a multifunctional Radio Frequency (RF) system, which aims to substantially enhance future defense capabilities, with specific focus on AESA for manned and unmanned aerial platforms.

On 26-27 February 2024; 11 consortium members concluded 32 months of work on the CROWN project during the final meeting hosted by Indra. The final meeting focused on the main topics developed within the CROWN project and the results achieved. In particular, CROWN demonstrated the different building blocks designed during the project and the performance of the demonstrator in a controlled anechoic chamber environment.

The CROWN project launched in 2021 is part of the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) launched by the European Commission in 2017 to assess and demonstrate the added value of EU-supported defense research and technology (R&T). It paved the way for a proper European Defence Programme to come as part of the European Defence Fund (EDF), under the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027).

The PADR implementation is run by EDA following the mandate via a Delegation Agreement between the European Commission and EDA signed on 31 May 2017. By this agreement, the Commission entrusts EDA with the management and implementation of the research projects launched within the PADR.  The PADR was launched by the European Commission in 2017 to assess and demonstrate the added value of EU-supported defense research and technology (R&T). It paved the way for a proper European Defence Programme to come as part of the European Defence Fund (EDF), under the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027).

The PADR implementation is run by EDA following the mandate via a Delegation Agreement between the European Commission and EDA signed on 31 May 2017. By this agreement, the Commission entrusts EDA with the management and implementation of the research projects launched within the PADR. 

4 Objectives of CROWN Consortium

CROWN brought together 11 beneficiaries from 7 EU countries, led by Indra (Spain): Thales (France), ONERA (France), Hensoldt (Germany), Fraunhofer Institute for High-Frequency Physics and Radar Techniquesv (Germany), SAAB AB (Sweden), FOI (Sweden), TNO (the Netherlands), Leonardo S.p.A (Italy), Elettronica S.p.A (Italy), and Baltic Institute of Advanced Technology (Lithuania) with a budget of approximately EURO €10 million. CROWN unites the EU’s major defense contractors, radar manufacturers, and research institutes and takes the initiative to define the steps towards the availability of a fully digital multifunction RF AESA-based system for the end users within the next decade.

1. Tangible Progress

Tangible progress for the future development of a high-performance European multifunctional RF AESA-based system, combining radar, electronic warfare, and communications functions. CROWN addressed research and technological development (R&D) activities to go a step further in the development of European high-performance wideband multifunction RF AESA-based systems to face emerging scenarios. The multifunction RF system is based on digital AESA architecture with the capability of operating in a wide range of frequencies.

2. EU Supply Chain Assurance

EU supply chain assurance is important for critical defense technologies, particularly in the domain of multifunction RF AESA-based systems. During CROWN critical materials, components, and technologies were identified and prioritized in a criticality mapping. Technology roadmaps and recommendations were given. This helped to evaluate what is the need for investment in EU R&D and what are the industrial capacities to improve and/or create to design and build in Europe a wideband, high-power multifunctional RF AESA-based system. This activity aligned with inputs from the different European suppliers and customer requirements, both being key project stakeholders.

3. Active Collaboration

Active collaboration in the project of main stakeholders and end users for requirements identification and demonstration activities. To ensure that all needs from main stakeholders and end users will be collected and reflected in the system requirements, assuring maximum value project delivery, Ministers of Defence representing the 7 different Consortium countries confirmed their involvement in the project. This strategically complemented the CROWN consortium built with the most relevant European defense industries, with broad experience in RF systems in all military domains.

4. Base for Future Development

A solid base for a future joint Union development program was created for a European multifunction RF AESA-based system. This was a result of efforts to overcome the technological limits of fully operational multifunction RF systems made worldwide. The importance for Europe to create its own solution by fostering collaboration between different EU countries and industries helps avoid dependencies from non-European suppliers and strengthens the EU industry and its global position. Work and results obtained during CROWN showed the way forward giving an idea of the investment, milestones, and research activities needed to further developments.

High time that India and such like-minded countries of the global south join hands together to develop a similar product on the same lines. This type of effort can be used by nations who can’t afford to invest huge money on the development of a concept and take it to fruition resulting in the development of a product that has commonality at the base, which thereby helps reduce their overall defense expenditure, helps boost interoperability, enhances capability, develops competent human resource, reduces foreign dependencies, and helps boost research and development efforts on the whole.


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