Iran Attacks Israel, Now Humiliated Israel Wants to Attack Iran to Restore Neighborhood Bully Image – Options for India
On April 1 2024 Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria was attacked. A fleet of F-35 of IDF that took off from Nevatim Airbase fired missiles at a building inside the diplomatic premises killing 7 IRGC men including 2 top generals. This was a clear violation of the Vienna Convention that states ‘no matter what diplomatic premises are the sovereign territory of a country’, and ‘whoever is inside the diplomatic premises must be accorded diplomatic immunity and must never be touched’. But Israel which gives a middle finger to everything be it law or convention or rules, didn’t give a damn and attacked it. Iran immediately asked the world to condemn it, but no one came forward, which basically implies, that Israel’s godfather USA either knew about it and gave tacit approval or got wind of it when it couldn’t do anything to stop it. Iran wanted the world community at the UN to condemn Israel and its strike, the same way it did in 1996 when the Iran Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan was raided by ...