Predictions Come True-Fall of Syria, Dissolution of Palestine, Gaza Eyewash, Greater Israel, Iran, India, Prophecies & 5 Red Cows (Updated)
Fall of Syria All my predictions have come true. Syria has fallen and President Bashar Al Assad has been forced to leave the country with the Syria Arab Army fleeing to Iraq. So, what happens next? Mark my words the 1st declaration Donald Trump or Don Trumpioni gives upon assuming office on Jan 20, 2025 is the annexation of Westbank by Israel as part of Dissolution of Palestine , and renaming it Judea And Sumeria and also give go ahead to Israel to capture south and west Syria for creation of Greater Israel. So how did Syria collapse so quickly? It is thanks to the betrayal of a morally corrupt nation of Turkey . Turkey had previously funded and facilitated ISIS in previous decade and did this once again on orders of Israel and USA . In return Turkey will get to keep the whole of North Syria for itself and can even get the F35 figh...