Predictions Come True-Fall of Syria, Dissolution of Palestine, Gaza Eyewash, Greater Israel, Iran, India, Prophecies & 5 Red Cows (Updated)
Fall of Syria
All my predictions have come true. Syria has fallen and President Bashar Al Assad has been forced to leave the country with the Syria Arab Army fleeing to Iraq. So, what happens next? Mark my words the 1st declaration Donald Trump or Don Trumpioni gives upon assuming office on Jan 20, 2025 is the annexation of Westbank by Israel as part of Dissolution of Palestine, and renaming it Judea And Sumeria and also give go ahead to Israel to capture south and west Syria for creation of Greater Israel. So how did Syria collapse so quickly? It is thanks to the betrayal of a morally corrupt nation of Turkey. Turkey had previously funded and facilitated ISIS in previous decade and did this once again on orders of Israel and USA.
In return Turkey will get to keep the whole of North Syria for itself and can even get the F35 fighters from USA. While Kurdish terrorist who as PKK have been a thorn in ass of Turkey wanting independent nation in east and southeast Turkey will keep east Syria for themselves as part of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with one condition that henceforth PKK Kurdish terrorist will never trouble Turkey again. It is reasonably assumed that David Burnea, Mossad chief and Ronen Barr, Shin Beth chief visited Turkey and met Ibrahim Kalın, boss of Turkey’s intelligence agency MIT sometime in March 2024. David Burnea, and Ronen Barr asked Ibrahim Kalın to help save them.
Turkey that has continued doing business with Israel, immediately obliged and got down to doing the dirty work once again as it did it in 2010s during ISIS time. Reasonably assumed from June 2024 onwards it facilitated the influx of Uyghur, Tajik, Uzbek, Chechen, Albanian, Pakistani, and other terrorists into Turkey by providing them fake passports and visas through its embassies and consulates worldwide. Once in Turkey they were provided weapons seized from ISIS and PKK sent to Syria to help HTS/Al Nusra Front, the Al Qaeda offshoot. As Syria has fallen, now it will be difficult for Iran to sustain Hezbollah. After the fall of Damascus, there is good chance that HTS will attack Golan Heights, since the HTS leader is from Golan giving Israel a pretext to invade Syria and fulfil the prophecy of Greater Israel. Meanwhile, Kurdish terrorist who as part of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) control vast swaths of east Syria for themselves that are oil rich and fertile thanks to Euphrates and Tigris rivers will then merge that area will the 3 North Iraq provinces that they control from Erbil. That will make them more than happy perhaps.
Meanwhile, after Donald Trump or Don Trumpioni gives go ahead to Israel to capture south and west Syria for creation of Greater Israel, Israel will capture that whole area to fulfil the prophecy. The prophecy involves creation of a Zionist nation of Israel that covers an area from the Eastern bank of Nile in Egypt to Western bank of Euphrates in North and East till Basra, Iraq and up to Medina in Saudi Arabia in South. I had predicted this way back in December 2024, and Israel is walking on the same route and has captured huge portions of Southern Syria and is all set to enter Damascus once greenlighted by the USA. Meanwhile, Druze community are itching to raise weapons both against HTS and Israel so as to create a homeland for themselves. Add to it, the remnants of Syrain Armed Forces still loyal to Basheer Al Assad have started armed struggle against Jolani-led Syrian government. This has made Syria land of chaos as I had predicted earlier. Pretty soon, in all likelihood, Syria will be wiped out from the world map.
Israel is in a hurry to fulfil the prophecy of Greater Israel by 2030. (why, more on it later). Zionist Jews have been trying hard to create it since the Belfour declaration. After the Holocaust where 6-million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany (world has calmly forgotten about the 3.5 million Roma exterminated or 9 million Russians killed during same time); USA & UK gave permission to Jewish criminals to kill Palestinian Muslims in the area of Palestine, forcing them to flee. This culminated in the Nakba day of 1948 after which creation of State of Israel was declared. Jewish people living in Israel who came from the west are mostly if not all are messianic Jews.
Messianic Jews believe that there is foreshadowing and predictions of Jesus in the Old Testament. Supersessionism, the belief that Jesus Christ was the fulfilment of the promise made by God to the Jews in the Tanach (Hebrew Bible). Do note that Jesus Christ was a Jew, he propagated separate thinking from that prevailing then, it is only these thoughts that were summarized by his followers who created a distinct religion called Christianity.
Dissolution of Palestine
Abraham Accords are integral to the Dissolution of Palestine. The name of the Abraham Accords is rooted in the common belief of the Abrahamic religions particularly Judaism, Christianity, and Islam regarding the role of Abraham as a spiritual patriarch. Officially Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements on Arab–Israeli normalization signed between Israel and the Arab states.
UAE and Bahrain signed on September 15, 2020, mediated by the USA and hosted by the Trump administration at the White House. Both the UAE and Bahrain recognized Israel's sovereignty, enabling the establishment of full diplomatic relations. Israel's agreement with the UAE marked the first instance of Israel establishing diplomatic relations with an Arab country since 1994 when the Israel–Jordan treaty came into effect. The deals were negotiated by Trump's son-in-law and senior advisor Jared Kushner and his assistant Avi Berkowitz, the former claimed to know about the history of the conflict and ancient relations between the 3 religions by reading books!
In December 2020, the Israel–Morocco normalization agreement was signed. In exchange for Morocco's recognition of Israeli sovereignty, the United States recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. On January 6, 2021, the Israel–Sudan normalization agreement was signed by the government of Sudan in Khartoum, with Steven Mnuchin, USA treasury secretary as a witness.
Sudan though has not signed a corresponding document with Israel, unlike the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. As of 2024, negotiations with the Sudanese government on full normalization with Israel are ongoing. USA is dangling the “carrot” of agreeing to abolish Sudan's status as a "State Sponsor of Terrorism" by providing a loan of US$1.2 billion to help it pay off its debts to the World Bank.
The USA wants to expand the Abraham Accords with non-Arab Muslim-majority states like Malaysia, Indonesia, Niger, Mauritania, and more. In truth, the USA has used Abraham Accords; as a “threat” to get these Arab and non-Arab Muslim nations to recognize Israel. Whatever officially be said in the documents, in reality no one will say; because much of it is unofficial and behind the curtain, off the record; the truth is this -- USA says ‘Recognize Israel or we will destabilize your country, overthrow your governments, and then rob your nation of your natural resources’ to these Arab nations.
The problem is most of these countries are rich in natural resources like crude oil, natural gas, and uranium to name a few. Above all, most of these countries are Kingdoms ruled under absolute monarchy, military junta, or virtual one-man rule. They all fear a loss of power and that is why consciously avoid even the slightest thought of democracy.
Fearful of losing power, control over natural resources, and the money it generates; these nations are more than likely to surrender to USA threats. The only nation still holding out against is Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, as the custodian of the 2 holiest Muslim shrines is located right next to Palestine, which is home to the 3rd holiest Muslim shrine, a country that has been overrun and captured by Israel. But the creation of Greater Israel may rob Saudi Arabia of at least one of them. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia alongside UAE is trying its best to help Israel get diplomatically what it couldn't get in 15 months long Gaza military campaign.
Gaza Eyewash
Recently, Trump has proposed a Gaza plan where US will takeover Gaza and turn it into something like French Riveira where it will all filled with hotels and resorts with semi naked men and women roaming around. But all Palestinoians living within Gaza will be sent packing to Egypt and Jordan and wont be allowed to return. A totally ludicrous plan, this prompted Arab nations to come up with their own US$15 billion Gaza plan which obviously was rejected by Trump. Not many and able to understand that this Gaza plan by Trump is actually a eyewash that ensures Israel which has caused destruction and the USA which has provided the means to it with weapons doesn't have to pay a penny for Gaza reconstruction. While Jordan is meekly expected to fall in line as its Kingdom is funded by Israel and USA.
The biggest problem was Abdel Fateh Al Sisi, the president of Egypt; who usurped power from Mohammed Morsi till last week. This man is a puppet installed by the USA and Israel. The USA and Israel can’t tolerate a democratic Egypt. They know Egyptians are emotionally and culturally more in tune with Palestinians. Given a chance they will open the Rafa border today. Abdel Fateh Al Sisi is such a 'sisi' that he doesn’t allow his army to given apt reply to Israel when they bombed their positions across the border.
The problem is Saudi Arabia is not only rich in natural resources like crude oil, and natural gas but is a Kingdom ruled under absolute monarchy. Not just that being the leader of the Sunni crescent spread from the Arabian Peninsula to Africa it is at loggerheads with the Shia crescent led by Iran which includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and is spreading in the Caucasian region.
When the USA pestered Saudi Arabia in 2020 to sign the Abraham Accords hosted by the Trump administration, it said it wanted an ironclad security guarantee against any threats from Iran. Just last week, it is said the USA finally relented and gave it a defense pact with the understanding to Saudi Arabia that “any attack on Saudi Arabia will be considered an attack on the USA”. In return, Saudi Arabia will have to forget about Palestine and the oppression of the Palestinian people.
Another country Jordan was never a problem. Though it signed peace treaty with Israel in 1994 after Egypt signed it in 1982, it has been walking on the dotted line as dictated by Israel since 1960s. A few simple examples, while present King Abdullah has meekly allowed Israel to use Jordan airspace at will, he has also ensured to support ever reaches the Palestinians in West Bank and they live in the worlds biggest open air jail just like Gaza Strip, the 2nd largest open air jail. It is evident from reports that Israeli soldiers actually the Jordanian side of the border post on the only link of West Bank to outside world.
His father was even better, he organized the Black September massacre of 1968 when Palestinians fed up of oppressive policies that made that made them 2nd class citizen in Jordan. He recruited Pakistan Army mercenaries led by Brigadier General Zia Ul Haque (later President) who slaughtered more than 25000 Palestinians across Jordan. The mercenaries were reportedly funded by USA or UAE or Saudi Arabia.
The USA wants Saudi Arabia to sign on the dotted line before Israel makes a final push into Palestine and dissolves the state of Palestine by 2028, leaving millions of Palestinians stateless and at the mercy of Israeli Apartheid. Now the question till yesterday was, will MBS or Mohammed Bin Salman the defacto ruler of Saudi Arabia meekly surrender the Palestinian cause. Now his bigger worry is to save one of the 2 holiest sites in Islam from being gobbled up by Greater Israel. So officially Abraham Accords are bilateral agreements, but in reality, it is about the Dissolution of Palestine by 2028.
India has been the biggest supporter of Palestinian freedom outside the Arab/Muslim worlds since the time of Yasser Arafat since 1930s. Mahatma Gandhi opposed creation of Jewish nation-state in Palestine in 1938. Even Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee from BJP clearly spelled out that Israel has to vacate occupied Palestine. But current government of Narendra Modi’s BJP not only side with Israel shamelessly opposed many resolutions on Palestine, even forgetting what they did for India.
India has reportedly handed over few Palestinian men and women who were hiding in India to Israel. Even going to the extent of supplying workers to work in fields and construction projects in occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. India, it will be in a quandary as it will now have a problem raising the issues of POJK, COJK, Aksai Chin, or Gilgit Baltistan which are under Pakistani and Chinese control. It must be known that India availed services of Palestinians militants to train LTTE guerillas in Sri Lanka, rebels in Burma, and more.
Not just that, India got Palestinians militants to train ANC guerillas of South Africa and SWAPO guerillas of Namibia. Both these countries haven’t forgotten the help provided by Palestinians to gain freedom and are returning the favour by fighting Palestine’s case in ICC & ICJ. It is entirely possible that India’s RAW got Palestinians to do some of their jobs in foreign nations. Palestinians willingly did these works for India in return for security from persecution by Israel and support for independent Palestine.
Iran is the only country in the entire Middle East that has not bowed down to Israel or USA. It is a different matter that CIA of USA toppled a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953, installed Reza Shah as ruler for good 25 years bonhomie and total control over its oil and gas, but wrongs are wrong and must be corrected which was done in 1979 Revolution. USA still smarting from its losses can’t digest that Iran despite many pressures has still not bowed down and is continuing to defy it. Israel and Iran shared very good relations till 1985 and it was Iran that supplied the blue prints of Attack plan on Osirak Nuclear power station to Israel who bombed it in 1981. Iran has supported Iraq (since 2003), Syria (since 2013), Lebanon (since 1982) to create a Shia crescent in Middle East.
So as to keep Israel on tenterhooks, Iran has supported Lebanon’s Hezbollah; a potent military force that has stood up against Israeli aggression time and time again. It has helped Bashar Al Assad earlier restore government by fighting Kurdish terrorist, ISIS terrorist, and Al Qaeda terrorist. Iran replenished Hezbollah through the land route via Iraq and Syria, but this time it won’t be possible. After fall of Syria, Iran needs to change its strategy to keep supporting Hezbollah and Hamas. Besides this it also has to navigate through 'Maximum Pressure' policy of Trump to extract a 100% USA titled deal where Iran get nothing.
Greater Israel, Prophecies & 5 Red Cows
As said earlier that once Donald Trump or Don Trumpioni takes power on Jan 20, 2025 and gives go ahead to Israel to annexation of Westbank and renaming it Judea and Sumeria; Israel will put the plan in motion to capture south and west Syria for creation of Greater Israel, Israel will capture that whole area to fulfil the prophecy. The prophecy involves creation of a Zionist nation of Israel that covers an area from the Eastern bank of Nile in Egypt to Western bank of Euphrates in North and East till Basra, Iraq and up to Medina in Saudi Arabia in South.
As said earlier that Jesus Christ was a Jew, he propagated separate thinking from that prevailing then, it is only these thoughts that were summarized by his followers who created a distinct religion called Christianity. Messianic Jews believe in the prophecy that Jesus Christ will be reborn and this time he will make Messianic Judism the preeminent religion of the world. Israel has been trying hard to fulfil the prophecy but Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Iraqis, Lebanese have been a thorn in that plan. Israel has to deal with regular insurgencies from all sides due to its habit including Ist and 2nd Intifada, 2006 Lebanon War, 2014 Gaza war, and of course the ongoing conflict.
Despite their efforts Israelis realized that they aren’t able to fulfil the prophecies. So many people started scratching their heads, and then someone had a Eureka moment. The Israelis then realized that there is also a prophecy that says Jesus Christ will be reborn only after 5 Red Cows are slaughtered/halal/kosher inside the Al Aqsa mosque that will lead to rebuilding of the Jewish Temple at the same spot.
The prophecy also says the 5 red cows also called Pure Red Heifers must never have been milked, given birth, must be of same size, dimension, colour, and features. These 5 cows or red heifers were found after an extensive search in Texas, USA; and were transported to Israel via Eilat port in 2022. They are under good care, but issue is cows don’t live 70 years like humans. Chances are that these cows may start dying from 2030. That is why Israel is in a great hurry to initiate the creation of Greater Israel.
Now, that Syria has fallen it will be pretty easy for Israel to invade Syria. After this invading Lebanon will be child’s play for Israel. Jordan is already subservient to Israel. Netanyahu will most likely give 2 options to King Abdullah, either merge with Israel and become the governor of province of Jordan or go into exile in a secluded beach on Pacific coast. Which option the king chooses remains to be seen.
Perhaps Egypt also knows that once Israel invades Syria, it won’t have much time in hand before Netanyahu led Israel enters Sanai and reaches eastern banks of Nile River. Egypt knows once that happens it will need to shift its population from the eastern banks of Nile River, to somewhere safe. Perhaps that is why Egypt is planning to fill the Qattara depression which is located to the west of Nile Delta with water from the Mediterranean Sea via canals. Once filled regular water supply, evaporation will create conditions for farming and growth of cities around the depression, making it a good choice of location to shift the population from East of Nile River.
Predictions Come True-Fall of Syria, Dissolution of Palestine, Gaza Eyewash, Greater Israel, Iran, India, Prophecies & 5 Red Cows (Updated)